Rewind Fast Forward: Participation Programme Exhibition


St Luke’s C.E pupil The Book of Me (2003 – ?)

Launch Event: Tues 17 March 4-7pm / All Welcome

The Stanley Picker Gallery is pleased to present  Rewind Fast Forward, a ‘time capsule’ exhibition of diverse artworks made by local residents and Year 6 pupils from St Luke’s C.E Primary School who participated in a series of creative workshops inspired by the The House of Fairy Tales The Misplaced Museum and as ‘Time Travelling Detectives’ uncovered the mysteries of Kingston School of Art – past, present and future.

Throughout the programme, with workshops tailored to meet the interests and requirements of individual groups, Detectives learnt about the life of a Kingston student, artist and designers studio practice, influences and creative processes – including research methods that do not include googling! Investigative teams shared individual interpretations of artworks examined, ideas and personal preoccupations through free-writing, drawing, hands-on making and discussion.  Each was charged with pursuing an area or issue of particular interest to them and reflecting on what they had learnt, create a new piece of work to enter into an ever-shifting time capsule.

The Gallery team have been intrigued and impressed by all, and hope that you will join us in celebrating their achievements.