Dagmar Glausnitzer-Smith

Interior Landscape (inkjet print) 2005 Stanley Picker Gallery Collection

Interior Landscape (inkjet print) 2005 Stanley Picker Gallery Collection

“In art terminology Dagmar Glausnitzer-Smith is basically an installation-maker though more by osmosis than calculated adoption of the genre. For her, the appropriation of space or of a specific place as integral to a constructed metaphor follows naturally from the fact that we are always somewhere in particular where we live, where we work (and they are probably much the same for her). We move constantly back and forth between our domestic base and a range of destinations, some of which are local and habitual, others more distant, infrequent or exotic. But the journeys, in both prospect and retrospect, give shape and a veneer of purpose to our lives; they also confer a fragile sense of security. This abstract map of movement within a social/cultural frame of reference is offered as both the extension and the expression of identity; its shapes and characters are her subject matter.”

–Tony Carter, Director of City and Guilds Art College London 2003

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Artist’s Website
Transit Station


Dagmar Glausnitzer-Smith

Selected Exhibitions:
2006 Seven of Eglise and Eru title:Number JB 339 (vermeidbare Stoversuche) exhibition and live performance, Motorenhalle, Dresden; Transit Station Edinburgh (two days continuous Action in Art in Action) Ocean Terminal, Edinburgh
2005 Transit Sation Berlin (two days continuous Action in Art in Action) Gebauer Hofe, Berlin
2000 Agglutinates of Pleasure and Playing in Workskin with Sikablock M450 live performance and projection, 291 Gallery, London