Jeremy Henderson, our very first Stanley Picker Fellow in 1977, sadly passed away in May 2009. He generously donated a new work to our Collection in 2007, which is now on permanent display at the University.
“To state the obvious these paintings are not careful delineations of picturesque landscape, they are essentially emotional and concerned with ideas about the nature of art and intended to stimulate and provoke rather than reassure”
Ted Hickey, Former Keeper of Art, Ulster Museum
“Henderson makes full use of the art of quotations; his images deliberately provoke 18th Century landscape conventions, as well as the Expressionist subjectivity of Jack B. Yeats. The painting’s titles bear the burden of differentiation. For instance, ‘A painting about to become a landscape or a landscape about to become a painting’ makes a neat conceptual point about the relationship between images and reality. Titles like these put a very specific slant on the paintings in as much as they direct the viewer towards a particular way of seeing – in this case a mode that is self-conscious, clever and ironic.”
The Sunday Independent
John Hutchison Director of the Douglas Hydt Gallery, Trinity College Dublin
“My recent work is concerned with the psychological process of object making. To create on canvas an open structure allowing aspects of the physical world or representations of it to emerge, so the paint may become invested with nuances of meaning.”
Jeremy Henderson (1952-2009)
Selected Exhibitions:
2004 If Hobbema had seen Ireland (1989) oil on canvas purchased by National Art Collections Fund
2001 Manuscript (2001) wall sculpture. Commission by Northern Ireland Arts Council for The William Jefferson Clinton International Centre for Peace, Enniskillen
1987 Present Memories – Paintings 1985-87 Arts Council Gallery, Belfast and
Hendricks Gallery, Dublin
1980 Irish Art in the Seventies – The International Connection, Roundhouse, London
1978 The New Contemporaries Artscribe Prize ICA London