Autism Assemble: Autistic Art Exhibition

Autism assemble is an exhibition which aims to show the skill and variety of art produced by autistic students at Kingston University, across all courses.

Autistic creatives have expressed time and time again how difficult it can be to make our way into the industry, feeling the need to hide our traits. But our differences to neurotypical artists means that we are capable of making some of the most unique and creative art you will see!

This exhibition is organised by Kingston University’s Autism Peer Network, which provides a community for autistic Kingston students to share their experiences. With the barriers we face in mind, we planned this exhibition to be as accessible and open to autistic students as possible.

All kinds of unfiltered creative output is on show, including fine art, illustration, film, animation and poetry. 

Exhibiting Artists: Erin Christopher (Project Leader) / Molly Reid / Eden Lukasiewicz / Adam Brown / Peter Westall / Echo (Keyu Hao)

Guest Artists Project: United Response, and the autistic children and specialist staff from Green Class & Supported Places at Surbiton Hill Nursery School collaborated with Erin Christopher (Project Leader and KSA Animation Illustration student) and Stanley Picker Gallery to create an animation,  I wonder what we can’t see? inspired by Thomas Pausz Haunted Ecologies, and examining life unfiltered

Autism Assemble zine and folding instructions
I wonder what we can’t see? handout word and pdf
SHNS artist highlights word and pdf