Fellowship Talks: Maeve Brennan & Ben Judd

Ben Judd Nothing Human is Strange to Me, 2018. Photography Rod Duncan.
Maeve Brennan, 2019

The 2019 Stanley Picker Fellows Maeve Brennan and Ben Judd will be holding their inaugural Fellowship Talks on Wednesday 20 November at 4.30pm in the Kingston School of Art Main Lecture Theatre. They will discuss their respective practices and their Fellowship projects, and there will also be a Q&A. The talks will be followed by drinks at the Stanley Picker Gallery.

4.30-6pm Fellowship Talks and Q&A
6-7pm Drinks at the Stanley Picker Gallery

Both Stanley Picker Fellowship appointments explore disciplinary boundaries and the importance of place. Brennan’s proposal will focus on the illicit antiquities trade; working collaboratively with forensic archaeologist Dr Christos Tsirogiannis, the project will trace international underground networks that facilitate the looting, smuggling and selling of cultural artefacts. Judd will collaborate with the transnational EVA Studio (Emergent Vernacular Architecture) to create an offsite project using the nearby River Thames as the site for a floating resource for the local community that reflects upon Britain’s island status.

Stanley Picker Fellowship| Maeve Brennan

Stanley Picker Fellowship | Ben Judd