Fixperts Take up Residence at the Stanley Picker Gallery


Fixperts ‘Chris and Thorunn’ film still 2012. Courtesy Doug Hindson.


The Stanley Picker Gallery will be staging a series of special events and displays showcasing the work of Fixperts,  an innovative new design initiative founded by curator/writer Daniel Charny and designer James Carrigan. The project in Kingston has been developed with designer Rebecca Davies and carried out with a growing team of interdisciplinary collaborators including current  Kingston University students and recent graduates.

‘Fixperts’ are creative thinkers and makers who are invited to co-design with a ‘Fix Partner’ from the general public and fix a day-to-day problem that has been frustrating or difficult for the partner to overcome on their own. Working together, each partnership identifies a problem to which the Fixpert prototypes a unique, low cost and personal solution for the partner. The process is captured in a mini documentary film that tells the story of the fix and is shared online to promote understanding and support discussion about good design through problem-solving.

As Fixperts explains, their ambition is democratic and straightforward:
“The Fix Films present simple solutions that can have an impact on anyone and everyone! The designers approach to the world is an empowering one which we want to share, to help solve everyday issues.”

Throughout January and February 2013 the Stanley Picker Gallery will be helping match Fixperts with Fix Partners in the locality, displaying the resulting films in the Gallery Lobby as the individual fixes are completed.

To find out more or propose a fix, for you or someone you know, please contact the Gallery via or 020 8417 4074. For more information about Fixperts and view the completed films visit