Get Creative: Art in community buildings

Courtesy Zainab Sanyang

Your local library, cinema, gym, café… buildings we have all come to miss over recent weeks! Inspired by Grafton Architect’s vision for Kingston University’s Town House, our Museum & Gallery Assistant Zainab has come up with some creative activity suggestions about the importance of art in community buildings. Download the PDF instructions here:

1) Collage your ideal community building
2) Create an artwork for your community
3) 4-panel comic: What goes on inside your community building? 

Share your results on social media by tagging us on Instagram @stanleypicker or Twitter @pickergallery or by sending us your images to to show us your work.

If you want to keep receiving weekly creative activity suggestions, sign up to our newsletter at the bottom of the page.

Zainab Sanyang is an illustrator, educator and 3rd year Illustration Animation student at Kingston School of Art. She leads the Saturday Art Club at Stanley Picker Gallery for local children.

Offsite: Ben Kelly, Mike Nelson and Elizabeth Price at Town House, Kingston University