Get Creative: Curating the Home

The theme of this week’s newsletter is Curating the Home. We invited our team at Stanley Picker Gallery and Dorich House Museum to respond to the theme by rearranging three unrelated objects in their home to curate a new display – here is a selection of what Curating the Home means to them. What does Curating the Home mean to you? What objects do you have on display in your home? Plants in special vases, framed pictures, or holiday souvenirs…

This week’s activity was inspired by Stanley Picker’s House and artistic responses to it in our 2012 exhibition The Occupants. Elizabeth Price’s Stanley Picker Fellowship commission At the House of Mr X was filmed at the house and an excerpt of this video has been made available to watch onlineThe Picker House was designed in 1968 by architect Kenneth Wood for Stanley Picker to live amongst his growing collection of art and design objects. The immaculately preserved home, undisturbed since Stanley’s death in 1982, has been the subject for a series of artistic projects that reflect upon the house and its collection nearly 40 years since Picker himself occupied the property. Meanwhile, the Museum is highlighting their previous exhibition Mantelpiece Modernism from 2018.


Cerys Scorey
Museum & Gallery Assistant
3rd Year Illustration and Animation student at Kingston School of Art

“I’ve curated a handful of things from around the house including an old postcard from Snowdonia, a ceramic bowl I made years ago and this peculiar plant that I like to call ‘the sad flower'”.

Glenyss Lipscombe
Venue & Events Coordinator, Dorich House Museum

A selection of mantelpiece ideas that explore different objects shape, colour and scale.

Share your interpretations with us on social media by tagging us on Instagram @stanleypicker or Twitter @pickergallery or by e-mailing them to

Exhibition The Occupants

Elizabeth Price Fellowship

Dorich House Museum Mantelpiece Modernsim