Get Creative: Make a moving image

Thaumatrope instruction video still. Courtesy Zainab Sanyang.

Today would have been the 190th birthday of Eadweard Muybridge (1830-1904) and in order to celebrate, have devised a few tasks to get your artworks moving.

Muybridge’s innovative photographic studies of humans and animals in motion influenced the development of modern cinema. Following his trail-blazing career in America, Muybridge returned to live in Kingston. He left his unique personal collection to the Borough and since 1904, one of the most important Muybridge collections in the world, has formed part of the Kingston Museum collections due its distinctive local and personal connection to the photographer himself.

Muybridge famously invented the Zoopraxiscope in 1879 but whilst this was happening, there were many Victorians coming up with similar moving image inventions.

Our Gallery Assistant Zainab has produced some instructions on how you can make your own moving image, which you can pick depending on how adventurous you are feeling:

Easy Going: How to make a Thaumatrope (Video)

Medium Maker: How to make a Flipbook (PDF)

Pro Artist: How to make a Zoetrope (PDF)

Share your results on social media by tagging us on Instagram @stanleypicker or Twitter @pickergallery or by sending us your images to to show us your work.

Zainab Sanyang is an illustrator, educator and 3rd year Illustration Animation student at Kingston School of Art. She leads the Saturday Art Club at Stanley Picker Gallery for local children.

Kingston Museum | Year of Muybridge

Becky Beasley at Stanley Picker Gallery

Trevor Appleson at Stanley Picker Gallery

Eadweard Muybridge at Tate Britain